View available programs offered within the juvenile detention facility and applicable policies for visitors and volunteers.


莫哈维县少年拘留中心有32个床位. It houses male and female juveniles between the ages of 10 and the juvenile’s 18th birthday. The decision to detain a juvenile(s) is made by a Juvenile 缓刑 Officer.

Juveniles remain detained per Court Order and who have been committed to the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections (ADJC) waiting for transport.

Both wings include a large dayroom that is utilized for group activities such as church services (offered, 但不是必需的), sex-education for the older males and females which are held at different times and never held together.

The day room is also where the juveniles receive their allotted free time during the evening hours. 在这段时间里,青少年可以读书, 写信, 打牌, 与其他青少年谈论适当的话题或看电视.

看电视是一种特权,只允许在非节目时间看. 节目是适合年龄的,并由主管批准. 每个侧翼都有两个浴室,每层一个. 浴室包括马桶、水槽和淋浴间. Additionally, there are two rooms in each wing equipped with a toilet and sink. 所有幼崽的动作
受到拘留人员的监督. Juveniles must request to leave their seat, get a drink of water or use the restroom, etc.


Juveniles are given 30 minutes of outside or courtyard time (weather permitting) and 30 minutes of exercise time in the wings each day. 这两项活动都由拘留人员直接监督. All juveniles must participate unless they have a documented waiver by the medical staff.

拘留中心使用行为矫正系统. When they arrive after 5:30 pm, they start Level I the following day at 6:00 am. All juveniles progress through the level system by exhibiting good behavior and being detained for a specific number of days. 进展如下:

  • 一级到二级是两天
  • 二级到三级是四天
  • 三级到四级是四天

Each level comes with more privileges which include an increased amount of free time, 每周多打10分钟对方付费电话, 睡得更晚. 他们在第二天早上6点重新开始较低的水平. Behaviors, if serious enough, are reported to the juvenile’s 缓刑 Officer. 它可能包括少年法庭发布额外的后果.


When juveniles are detained in the juvenile detention center, they have certain rights. 这些权利如下:


  • 得到适当的住所、食物和衣服
  • Practicing recognized religions and receiving directions from a religious leader
  • 接受适当的医疗护理
  • 与他们的律师交谈
  • 接受锻炼和娱乐
  •  被父母或监护人探视的
  • Making one phone call a week to parent or guardian after school hours or on weekends during non-
  • 编程时间
  • Sending and receiving letters approved by 缓刑 Officers which may be sent to parents and legal
  • 监护人.
  • 如果他们认为自己没有受到公平对待,就会提出申诉.

Juveniles are permitted one or two visits a week depending on their behavior. 探视s must be scheduled in advance by calling the Detention Center at (928) 753-0740 ext 4050. 探视 days are Saturday and Sunday from 12:00pm to 12:30pm and Monday from 6:00pm to 6:30pm each week. 每次探视时间为30分钟. 所有的探视都必须得到青少年缓刑官的批准.


The 格洛丽亚·杜塞克指南针学校 is an accredited educational program within a secure-
care facility designed to provide detained youth with a grade-level education in which
学生们成功地过渡回社区. The 学校的机会 provides an “opportunity” for non-detained youth who have been expelled or long-termed suspended from the 金曼 Unified School District to obtain school credit.






The 莫哈维县少年拘留中心 became an official GED testing center in April 2008 when it received accreditation from the Arizona Department of Education. 像这样, the detention center provides GED testing each month for all adjudicated youth who qualify to take the test. 裁决青年, under the direction of detention centers and probation or parole officers, 即使入学,也有资格参加普通教育文凭考试, 当法院如此命令时. 这些年轻人必须至少年满16岁.


金曼 . 809 E. 比尔圣. 86402 . (928)753-0741

哈瓦苏湖城 . 2001年大学大道129号. 86404 . (928)453-0707

顽固的人城市 . 967年汉考克. 25套. 86442 .(928)758-0738

亚利桑那州的地带 . St. George Ut, 84790. 352 E. 河滨分校博士., B2室(928)279-0329


Hope Garden is a 10-week program housed within the juvenile detention facility. 希望花园的使命是提供创伤信息, 基于证据的, 我们社区的缓刑青少年药物滥用治疗. Hope Garden builds resilient families by providing structured care and teaching essential skills using a holistic approach to foster all-encompassing change.

Hope Garden provides a unique opportunity to keep juveniles in our county while still receiving intensive substance abuse services for both themselves and their families. 希望花园的青少年在整个项目中都被拘留, 为他们的治疗提供一个有组织的环境. The Hope Garden youth attend the 格洛丽亚·杜塞克指南针学校 during the day and participate in programming during the afternoon and evening. 家庭参与是希望花园的重要元素, and families are offered at least 8 hours of time weekly to engage in counseling activities. 

莫哈维族县 probation partners with several local agencies to provide psycho educational classes as well as has an onsite clinician to provide therapeutic services to the youth and families Hope Garden serves. 


Project AIM is an evening reporting program that occurs in the repurposed front side of the detention center. Project AIM is for non-detained youth on probation to participate in educational and pro social activities. Project AIM partners with local agencies to provide educational and skill building groups as well as bring job preparation and knowledge to the kids. Youth assigned to participate in Project AIM classes are offered transportation to and from programming as well as an evening meal while they are there. Reducing barriers to the participation of the youth was important when creating this program and remains a central focus of planning. Project AIM has adapted their schedule to fit the needs of the current population of probation youth and plans classes according to need. AIM计划也提供家庭课程.  


























